Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Buzz in Social Media

The consumer is no longer innocent, he expresses himself with great ease in the digital age and knows what he wants and what is interested on. In this scenario organizes Buzz Marketing that helps the user not to look so skeptical and rely on the word of trademarks. Brands have to search for content that contains an idea or a simple and credible message with significant value so users get  involved and share it freely and spontaneously.

Previously, brands must select those users with a proactive profile within a forum or online community that act as opinion leaders and then establish a meticulous choice of channels where it is to spread the message by following an integrated and comprehensive strategy. This aims to generate conversations thanks to a media "hook" that, from a ripple effect, causes the viral content and the brand presence.

The benefits we find in this practice in Ampliffy is that it helps to increase the awareness, presence and visibility. The content swiftly spreads by networks bringing more credibility than conventional advertising, setting a clear brand positioning in the consumer's mind, and consequently increasing sales. Remember that the bottom line in any relationship is trust, and each time a user speaks well of a brand it takes advantage.

Below we show you an infographic of Social Reflexion that explains the Social Media effect produced by Buzz:


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