Thursday, November 16, 2023

What is Ad Inventory

Ad inventory refers to how many display ads can be shown on a website. Essentially, it refers to the number of adverts on a single publisher's website. Although the word was first used in print media, it has since expanded to include online ad space.

Publishers can also sell the ad inventory for their websites, mobile apps, and videos. Publishers frequently sell inventory—especially premium placements like the home page of a website—directly to advertisers. The site traffic or ad views that a specific publisher can generate for an advertiser are typically used to determine the value of online ad space.

Let's take an example where a publisher receives 1,000 visitors on average per week to their home page. They provide clients with two display advertisements, resulting in 2,000 weekly impressions for their possible ad inventories.

Publishers should know their ad inventory to sell ad space and make money.

Publishers can use the ad inventory report to see how much money they made on each site where their ads were shown.

The ad inventory report is also important for publishers because it helps them decide which websites are best for selling ads and making money.

When choosing a site to sell ads on, a good first step is to check out its ad inventory report. This tells you how many ads have been sold and how much money was made. If a site has sold a lot of ads recently, people will likely find your content valuable enough to pay for it.

Ad inventory can be viewed through various sources.

Ad inventory can be viewed through various sources. The easiest way to find out what ad inventory is available is to use a web-based service like AdBistro or Admeld. These services are free and provide information on all the available ad inventory online.

You may also want to check out sites like Adbrite, which has a database of sites that sell advertising space, and you can compare prices and availability across different sites.

Sellers and buyers can transact on media through three main channels: deals/packages, direct, and real-time bidding (RTB) auctions.


Real-time bidding is when ad inventory is bought and sold using a bidding system in real-time in an open marketplace programmatic auction in the milliseconds that a user loads a webpage. Using an RTB auction, an advertiser can accept or reject each ad impression in the campaign, allowing them to evaluate each opportunity to purchase an impression in real time. Higher bids in real-time bidding can lead to increased revenue. Two things are important in RTB:

  • Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs)

Advertisers can automate their online advertising purchases by utilizing DSPs. A DSP oversees the campaign's effectiveness and assists in determining the purchase parameters for the advertiser. 

  • Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs)

SSPs can assist publishers in managing and selling their inventory more effectively.


It is a bid-based marketplace with deals and packages to connect publishers and advertisers.

To start buying and selling deals and packages, a publisher usually asks an advertiser to place a bid on its inventory. This gives the advertiser priority access to a certain ad inventory before it’s available in an open auction. 

Open auction deal bids and RTB bids are in competition. Deals at private auctions take precedence over those on the RTB marketplace. Packages are ready-made packages that purchasers can peruse, increasing the market’s visibility and accessibility of products. Additionally, packages can serve as a fantastic starting point for negotiating prices. The advertiser often has premium access to brand-safe inventory through this marketplace.


Rather than participating in a live bidding auction, advertisers purchase impressions in bulk at a set price in a direct marketplace. With this arrangement, the advertisers get a reservation, or guarantee, on the ad inventory. To target a particular audience based on factors like area, browser, etc., advertisers and agencies are frequently willing to pay higher fees for this kind of inventory because it guarantees campaign volumes. Advertisers who prefer more control over where their advertisements appear can benefit greatly from direct buying, allowing them to have rich media formats like page takeovers on homepages, where no other advertising is displayed. It is also important to remember that direct sales gives more control over ad inventory, but it requires a sales staff or procedure to be in place.

Taking care of your ad inventory boosts ad sales and increases earnings.

Ad inventory is the amount of ad space available at a particular time. It's important to have enough ad inventory because it can affect your sales and earnings. Publishers are losing money when they fail to consider the dynamic nature of their ad inventory.

For example, if you have too many ads and insufficient space for them, some ads may be pushed out of view. If you don't have enough ads, it's harder for advertisers to buy from you.

Several things value your ad inventory:

Digital Ad Location - Display Inventory

Ad networks and media buyers highly value transparency when purchasing a display placement on a website. Different positions on a web page have different click-through rates, CPM bids, and conversion rates depending on where they are physically placed for advertisers who purchase ad inventory.

Reach Media Units

With programmatic advertising offering such reasonable rates, more content publishers are realizing the true value of their traffic and have embraced a variety of non-traditional display units. Rich media slider units advance to the user's screen and draw their focus with an engaging call to action, such as a hidden button. It is better for publishers to offer numerous ad unit versions and other high-performing rich media units. 

The User’s Geographic Location

In the past, most people believed that US traffic was the sole reliable supply source for marketers. Many advertisers use programmatic exchanges and direct CPA offers to sell their products for all traffic sources in the current digital advertising environment. English-speaking and eastern European nations, such as the UK, Canada, Sweden, and the Netherlands, typically provide CPMs that are comparable to US traffic. No matter how remote the location, programmatic advertising enables publishers to meet every user's and nation's demands

Historical Ad Placement Performance

You must be aware of the patterns and variables that influence performance as well as the past performance you have observed with your demand sources if you choose to sell your inventory directly to an ad network. 

Ultimately, your website's traffic, engagement rate and niche will determine the best ad inventory plan. You should now have the resources necessary to optimize ad revenue for your company. Why not go ahead and choose a suitable advertising partner to collaborate with? Join Ampliffy right now!

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