Friday, September 9, 2016

The Millennial Whoop

Surely you've heard it more than once in any of the lyrics of the favorite singers of this generation because it is seen as a trend in the world of music. The Whoop Millennial is a sequence of notes bearing the same pace. It includes the phoneme "O" combined in a specific pattern to form a sound like "Wa-wa-oh-oh".

This repeated rhythm on several songs even of different artists creates a sense of familiarity that helps to increase the popularity of the theme.

Have you come to mind a song with this sound?

If you want to find out everything related to the Millennial Generation and Generation Z, subscribe to our YouTube channel and be sure to follow us on our networks:


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The keys to understand Generation Z

The Generation Z have specific characteristics which we must learn. Despite being very similar to Millennials, this generation this generation use online formats coexisting with the digital environment.

Discovering the keys to generate clear and direct messages, catching their attention, you will avoid losing them, in fact, Its really important to know about its consumer behavior to offer them the right content.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The perfect restaurant for Millennials

A good food and a nice place it isn't enough for digital generations to be part of their favorites choices. Now, the places must to have also the the necessary requirements integrated with their digital activity.

Contacts to charge their mobile devices and wi-fi to connect and update their social networks are the most requested, but if the place included in its menu the last trend for this generation which is sharing food pictures on social media, and offer dishes specially designed for the perfect picture, this could be the perfect combination to be viral and an opportunity for them to create the perfect Instagram food picture.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Millennials Insights

All the characteristics, which define this generation, could be a strategic factor to develop new communication channels, stablish conversations between the customers and the brands and increase the engagement with them.

The best way to get your company goals is to focus on social listening. What they say and what they think which will provide us with the necessary insights to develop our strategy and get closer to them.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sharing Economy for Millennials

The collaborative economy, a concept that has been enhanced in these generation, is the main tool with which the millennials are changing the way they consume and share products and services. Taking by surprise the traditional system and innovating with digital platforms and collaboration between people, this trend is adopted in more and more industries.

Rent a flat with AirBnB, share journeys by car whit BlaBlaCar, buy some second hand products with Wallapop or even find a couple in Tinder are perfect examples of how this trend affects everyday life and requires a change of mind in the rules and people of actual societies to benefits all the sectors.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Millennials raising their voices

We already know that the Millennial generation is ready to get actively involved in the decisions of their country. An example of this is the reaction they have had of the recent results about the referendum made in the UK about leave or stay in the European Union, demonstrating that the majority are not agree..

Millennials blame older generation for voting to leave and stole their future but they know that their attitude and their power across manifestations that it shown repeatedly through social networks can change the course of this decision or get a better social conditions for them.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

What the Millennials think about 2016 USA election

The world around is the world that are responsible for change, thats why it is not uncommon to see members of the Millennial Generation especially concerned by the political changes experienced in their society. Nowadays, USA elections are nearby and the middle point of members in this generation is ready to vote and choose the direction of their country. 

The way of how presidential elections make them feel can be describe in one word. Some of them have their own opinion, some of them are agree or disagree about the politicians, and some of them really want a change. This generation has the power of change the ways how the world works and they know it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sharing Economy for Millennials

The collaborative economy, a concept that has been enhanced in these generation, is the main tool with which the millennials are changing the way they consume and share products and services. Taking by surprise the traditional system and innovating with digital platforms and collaboration between people, this trend is adopted in more and more industries.

Rent a flat with AirBnB, share journeys by car whit BlaBlaCar, buy some second hand products with Wallapop or even find a couple in Tinder are perfect examples of how this trend affects everyday life and requires a change of mind in the rules and people of actual societies to benefits all the sectors.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


A bunch of articles describing the Millennial profile and how they are changing work and the way of companies have to be is what we can find in a simple internet search nowadays.

But the best way to understand them and become in a best place to work for Millennials is as easy as go outside and ask their opinion about the things they want to be a happy worker.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Instagram Husbands: A New Way To Share Moments

Instagram is the social network to find the millennial generation capturing the best moments of the day with their mobile cameras and has become the favorite for certain profiles such as bloggers.

Always concerned about updating their profile with the best picture and reach the highest number of likes and followers, will use all resources for achieve that "casual photos" including one of the people closest to them.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Who Raised All These Entitled Millennials?

Nowadays, everywhere you look everyone is complaining about the called Millennials. Adults are so frustrated with the youth of today and they are kind of scared of the future. The problem is that all Millennials are put in the same bag, and admitting that yes some kids are awful, not everyone is like this.

All adults that say all these bad things about youth Millennials, have to stop and think for a minute: Who raised up these kids? The adults? Parents? Did you do this? Keep watching and you'll discover more about what is happening in this Millennial world.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Millennials vs Baby Boomers

Millennials Generation are known for being insecure, lazy, shallow and ambitious. We reach a point that these young people finally ends believing that they are like this, but actually they have not these skills. 

Called as 'the worst generation' here they are to show the world that they are the opposite to all these written things, words with no sense. Here they are to talk about the myths and respond about what Millennials are.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

You've Gotta Love Millennials by Micha Tyler

This is a video of a guy who wants to open the eyes of the adult people to show them how in reality are Millennials, in a positive way.

It is a parody that opened a talk at the Church Leaders Conference encouraging people to see the stereotypes that everyone has about Millennials and recognizing the big potential that Millennials have.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How To Get Millennial's Attention

Anna Schilawski, a social media digital communications expert, who worked with very well known brands as Victoria Secret and L'Oreal USA, tells us how to reach their hot target.

The first and the most important thing they do at first is to know understand, from KPI's to in which social channels they are. She talks about finding new creative ways to capture consumers with the help of social media.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Why the word Millennials makes Cringe

Here we have a man who explains his own experience about a young Millennial girl who talked to in an aero plane. She was working in a company which it seemed she wasn't quite motivated about what she had to do. 

Millennials are coming with strength to fight for what they want, but to reach the success first they have to do different things. But he thinks that talking about the behavior of young people without talking about the challenges they face is dumb.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Millennials: What ‘Old’ looks like?

Here we have an experiment which consists of asking the Millennials What age they consider to be old. So they were asked to show how what "old" looks like. 

Then they are introduced to some real 'old' people. Watch what happens when they realize that aging is not about decline, it's about growth. They totally change their mind. #DisruptAging

Monday, April 18, 2016

The rise of the Millennials

Most people think that Millennials are not going to do a better work than the previous generation. The truth is that they are growing every day more and more, and it's said that most companies are not prepared for this, Millennials are coming with an enormous empower.

"In an era of new technology, a new economy, and new opportunities, Michael Price shows us what it takes to create a life of meaning as part of a Millennial generation that is ready to make a huge positive impact on the world." - Ryan Allis, Co-founder of iContact | CEO of

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Millennials are changing the world

The large and upcoming of Millennials Generation don't think as their parents or grandparents. Their different point of view and the way of doing things, specially business are influencing everywhere.

The next Generation of Leaders are coming with so much power but people do not realize about that fact. They are bringing new issues and new challenges and opportunities to the marketplace.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Millennial takking about Millennials

Kelly is the author of the bestselling "Adulting: How to Become A Grown-Up in 468 Easy Steps" which has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on the Today Show, among others. 

In this speech Kelly talks about the great change that Millennials have resulted in society and how much we should listen. At first all they seem not contribute anything useful but then we will realize that they are strictly necessary for our development.

How to make Millennials want to work for you #TEDxTalks

This is a real presentation of an authentic Millennial, Keevin O'Rourke. He is strategizing ways to grow his startup company, Monday Creations. He is a passionate entrepreneurship, in fact, he is the vice president of his campus Entrepreneurship Club and an advisory board member for a local One Million Cups group.

Keevin is the reflection of what truly a Millennial is. Millennials want to know why they should work for you, rather for themselves, because they are starting new startups dreams of their own. Here we have a clear representation of what Millennials believe about work.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Family and their importance for the Millennials

Millennials are changing the perception has always been of " young people". They aren't at the world of work yet but they are showing us that they have a very active attitude that would be very useful in the long run. For them, the family is much more important than friends or money. 

For example, in a survey, they were asked what they would prefer: to go on a vacation with their families or to receive a significant amount of money. Surprisingly most Millennials responded to go on vacation with their families. Millennials are different, they are young and every day we are surprised more. Are not yet deep in the world of work but we must give them a chance, probably they will surprise us.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Loyal Generation

A large percentage of Millennials prefer to have a job with which to earn enough money to not have luxuries without working. This generally defines a little bit what kind of people are Millennials. The work and effort are two basic qualities of the Millennials, that perfectly define them. 

Many of them want to start a family and have a house and a car, but the important thing is not to have bought a house , but often the rent , ranging from flower to flower. Millennials are fair generation, because everything they say, is everything they do. They are committed to the fullest and they will always fight until the end to achieve their own goals.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Millennials and the technology

Millennials have grown up with technology, but now 98% of us use the internet. And people would do anything to join internet anywhere, so if they don’t have it at home they’ll go to public libraries.

If a 97% of population own a cell phone and a 65% own a smartphone, it means that children of 13 years old own a smartphone. Technology is a part of us, we can’t get rid of it but we don’t want to. The influence of tech products in our life is huge.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Cómo afectan las RRSS a los jóvenes Millennials

Las redes sociales son la nueva manera de recibir información y comunicarse de manera instantánea y cómoda. Los jóvenes Millennials las utilizan diariamente, y están a su alcance durante las 24 horas del día. Las necesitan para quedar con amigos, colgar fotografías, para trabajar, promocionarse, entre muchas otras utilidades.

Existe un grave peligro pues los nuevos internautas en camino no son conscientes de la peligrosidad de las redes sociales. En ellas muestran su mejor yo, se muestran como les gustaría ser y se creen también lo que dicen los demás y esto provoca, muchas veces, confusiones.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Technological progress is the reason for the change of vision of Millennials

In this video , young millennials have been exposed to the first videogame and also they have played on it. Their reaction was composed by surprise and admiration at the same time.

This game did not have excellent graphics and wasn't as fast as the games of today. But they acknowledge the merit to being created long time ago. And they say that it is funny because now they would be very "cool" to have this game at home.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Millennials leave their countries to find new opportunities

In Spain, Millennials have always said to emigrate to succeed in the workplace. The current economic crisis has been suffocating many countries and for this reason these young people leave to find new opportunities. The main destination for Millennials are the United States.

Millennials and college grads are reshaping and revitalizing a lot of nation’s metropolitan areas from coast to coast of de USA. Millennials are not only shaping the Digital Age, but they are also playing a key role in economic development as they relocate to a huge variety of cities. This shift is propelling big-name brands to relocate as well in order to grab ahold of these young and talented individuals.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Millennials are the new face of travel

Millennials travel many times more per year than other age groups. This is due to two reasons. Mainly, it is because their ability to find low prices and various offers through internet. With just a click they are able to find anything.

Also, "Easy traveler" is an opportunity to know the world and to take a break. The world have never seen one generation to travel as much as the Millennials before, and this is not because of its economic wealth, it is due to its ability to find cost savings in time and at the right time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Can Millennials give up social media?

Millennials are really hooked on social media! It is very difficult for them not to be continually sharing feelings, experiences and moments of each day.

This video jokes about it, but we don't realize how serious it is. Millennials live by and for social media, and when they don't have access to them, they feel lost.

Millennials, who are they

Millennials were born in the last decade of the last century. They are in social networks and know exactly how to use it. Teamwork is necessary and essential for a successful outcome, as well as being an entrepreneur worker.

In this video are further defined this new generation for us to know them better. We must think that they have already changed a lot of things but they will change a lot more over time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How Millennials deal with the economic crisis

Generation Y or Millennials (ages 18-34) are living a difficult situation, in fact, these days are denominated as the worst economy since the Great Depression. But this generation are hopelessly optimistic about the future because they are adaptable. Here's why this generation will make it, despite the odds.

For example, Millennials are engaged with new technologies and they are looking for new ways to work. In fact, new kind of jobs came with Millennials, improving the economy and creating new professions.