Branded Content was created to respond to all those users looking for entertaining and useful content that do not bother them or are considered as intrusive. A new trend that involves the creation and funding of a content of a brand that can take different formats: from a video, a blog or a message on social networks. Effectiveness and low cost are the main advantages why every day more advertisers are encouraged to opt for a more consumer-friendly advertising.
Users leverage any time to drop, so Branded Content has become the perfect formula to encourage them to consume content that may be of their interest appealing the emotional fact. One of the best techniques to achieve medium-term benefits that also contributes to the reputation and brand positioning, facts that influence to create engagement with the user .
Another aspect which positions the Branded Content as a method that will supplant the current advertising is its quality and its use in transmedia strategies. It is usually personalized content that is designed exclusively for a specific audience that gives them added value. Definitely it is part of creating an entertainment experience that favors the message and the story, leaving benefits apart or attributes of a product or service.
Below we leave an infographic of IAB Spain in which they explain us in detail what is Branded Content and which formats, types and benefits can adopt:
Source: IAB Spain