Thursday, September 19, 2024

The importance of In-stream Video Ad

In-stream video ads have fantastic potential for digital advertisers in 2024. They should adapt to the trend of users watching video content on their mobile devices.

What is in-stream video?

IAB describes this ad placement as allowing advertisers to show pre-, mid-, or post-roll video advertising to users already watching videos on their devices. These video ads function as a kind of commercial break for the main video.

Advertisers can select the target audiences for in-stream video advertising. Because it is audience-based, viewers of the same video may see different ads depending on their interests.

Here’s an example of an in-stream video ad from Ampliffy TV that popped up approximately one minute into a Hero Warns video ad:

In-stream video can appear on hundreds of publisher sites and applications. Both mobile and desktop users can access in-stream advertisements.

Why Should Advertisers Use In-stream Video Ads?
Advertisers should use in-stream video placement to boost reach, engagement, visibility, or brand awareness.

More Visibility

In terms of visibility, in-stream ads are placed directly within the video content viewers are already watching, making them highly noticeable. Since they appear before, during, or after the video, they capture the audience’s attention in a context where users are already engaged with the media. This increased visibility ensures that the ad gets seen rather than skipped over, compared to other less immersive ad formats. Moreover, the full-screen nature of many in-stream ads, especially on mobile devices, enhances the visual impact, making the ad content stand out and be remembered. This combination of placement, engagement, and full-screen visibility makes in-stream ads a powerful tool for advertisers looking to maximize brand exposure.

Brand Awareness

For brand awareness, in-stream video ads offer a highly effective way to introduce or reinforce a brand message. Since these ads are placed within relevant video content, they are more likely to be watched completely, increasing the chances that viewers will absorb and remember the brand's message. In-stream ads often reach targeted audiences, helping advertisers present their brand to the right people, which enhances brand recall and recognition over time. Additionally, with the ability to use captivating visuals, audio, and storytelling, advertisers can create memorable experiences that strengthen brand identity and leave a lasting impression. This makes in-stream video ads a key strategy for building and increasing brand awareness.

Increased Reach

When customers complain about advertisements, they’re just complaining about poor ads – the disruptive, irrelevant, and poorly performed ones. Ads that are native, appropriate, and optimized are considered good ads. They could increase the audience they reach. An engaging, funny, and helpful advertisement generates a lot of shares and attracts more potential viewers.

Boosted Engagement

Many platforms don’t offer in-stream video ad inventories, so some advertisers think they have fewer options. However, with fewer competitors using this format, your ads can stand out and get more attention. Additionally, because in-stream video ads appear alongside trusted content from publishers, they offer a unique opportunity to create campaigns that feel relevant and increase user engagement. Depending on your goals and target audience, you can use in-stream ads alone or combine them with other ad types. The more video formats you incorporate, the stronger and more effective your campaigns will be.

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