Thursday, October 5, 2023

Why Video is A Pleasing User Experience and How To Make it Pleasant?

A great video is an art form, and creating one that resonates with viewers requires thinking beyond just pointing at a camera and pressing the record. Achieving video greatness means focusing on three key elements: quality, control, and captions.

When these components come together, the result is a video experience that informs, entertains, and leaves a lasting impression. This article will explore why video is a pleasing user experience. The good news is with some practice and the right tools, anyone can level up their video skills and start crafting clips that spread like wildfire across the web.

Video Provides a Positive User Experience

When done right, video significantly enhances your users’ experience on your site. Here are some of the major reasons why video is so crucial:

  • Videos are highly engaging. According to studies, A call to action is 95% more likely to be remembered by viewers after seeing a video than it is after reading text. No wonder 54% of consumers say they want to see more video content from brands they support. (Business – Silly Frog Media.

  • Videos keep users on your site longer. The average user stays on a website with video for 88% longer. Longer time on site means more opportunities to serve ads and promote products, boosting your revenue. (Vybe Networks Inc.

  • Videos prompt social sharing. A whopping 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others. Viral content increases brand exposure and exposes your business to new potential clients. (How To Make Your Shopify Store Go Viral.

  • Videos rank higher in search. Compared to text results alone, videos have a 45 times higher chance of ranking on Google's first page. A higher search ranking means more traffic and visibility for your business. (Media vs. Text – The Best Of Both in The Marketing World – Market Me Social.

Key Factors for Video Quality and Engagement

To create a video that captivates your audience, focus on three key factors: quality, control, and captions.


First, make sure the production quality is high. Use professional equipment or software to record and edit your video. Viewers today expect a polished, seamless experience. Grainy footage and choppy editing will turn them off.

To have quality video content, you can start by tailoring the content that matches your audience. As a publisher, you want to give viewers what they want and crave. Get to know your target audience and what kinds of videos they tend to watch. Consider creating different content for different segments if you have a mixed audience. For example, how-to and explainer videos may appeal more to some viewers, while vlogs and behind-the-scenes footage appeal to others.

Surveys, comments, and view counts can provide insight into your audience's favorite videos. Pay attention to trends in video content and social media to stay on the cutting edge of what people want to watch.

Giving users video content tailored to their needs and wants results in an enjoyable experience that keeps them returning. Focus on quality over quantity and make the viewer experience a top priority. Happy viewers mean more engagement, shares, and return visits.

Lastly, about content management, do not forget to suggest the other content you have. Suggesting related videos, especially at the end of a video, leads viewers to engage with more of your content. Curate recommendations based on what you know your audience enjoys and the themes of the current video. Recommend a mix of new and evergreen content to keep people watching.

Recommended and related video thumbnails at the end of the video allow viewers to continue engaging with your content. Displaying 3-4 suggested videos gives people options to keep watching but doesn’t overwhelm them with too many choices.

Talking about quality is not merely about content quality; you must also be concerned about technical quality. Ensure smooth playback without buffering by choosing a streaming service or hosting platform optimized for video. High definition, crisp images, and clear sound will make for an enjoyable viewing experience that leaves a good impression.


Giving users control over their viewing experience is key to creating an engaging video. Let them go full screen, adjust volume, skip ahead, or rewind as needed. No one likes feeling trapped watching something they don’t want to see. Besides, this is also one of the ways to communicate with your audience, to know their characteristic. 

The more control people have, the more they can customize the experience to their needs, and the less likely they are to abandon your video out of frustration. Interaction also creates more opportunities for monetization through ads, video suggestions, and social sharing.

Auto-mute the video and let the viewer decide if they want to sound, and your viewers will not be surprised with audio they weren’t expecting. Let users decide whether to listen by giving them easy volume control. If you’ve matched the right video to the right audience, they’ll likely want to turn the volume on. 

An easily visible play/pause button lets people start and stop the video whenever they want. No one enjoys frantically searching for how to pause a video. The play/pause button should be large and centrally located at the bottom of the video player.

Give viewers the option to go full screen. Watching video in full-screen mode provides an immersive experience. It allows viewers to focus on the content without site navigation or ads competing for attention.

Video playback controls like a volume slider, progress bar, and option to skip ahead or rewind are must-haves. These controls give people granular control over their viewing experience. They can adjust the volume to their liking, see how much of the video is left, or skip to the most interesting parts.


Finally, add captions. Over half of viewers watch videos without sound, so captions are crucial for comprehension and accessibility. They also make your video more likely to rank high in search results.

Around 15% of people who watch online videos have hearing difficulties, so captions make your content accessible to more viewers. Captions also allow viewers to watch without sound, useful in public places or at work. Providing captions opens your content to a wider range of viewers and allows them to engage in the way that suits them best.

Besides, video captions also help with search engine optimization (SEO). When providing a caption, you give the search engine bot more information so they can locate you easily.

If you focus on high quality, giving control to users, and adding captions, your videos will provide an excellent experience. Follow these best practices, and your viewers will stick around, engage more, and even share your content with others. What more could you want? Keep your audience happy, and the benefits of using video will be well worth the investment.

When you put in the work to craft a video that educates, entertains, and emotionally connects with people, your message will spread like wildfire. It’s time to start creating a video that accomplishes your goals and builds real relationships with your viewers. The future is video - so get out there and make it great!

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