Thursday, May 23, 2024

How to Boost Ad Revenue for Publisher?

Publishers have struggled lately with a decline in ad revenues due to traffic loss. Because consumers use ad blockers and browsers that block cookies, publishers have lost visibility across 70% of the internet. Ad blocking is predicted to cost publishers $54 billion in lost ad revenue globally by 2024. 

(See also: Navigating the Challenges of Ad Blockers for Publishers)

But despite this difficult environment, there are strategies that publishers can follow to achieve success in the next year.

The following strategies can help publishers boost ad revenue:

Updated Analysis, Pricing, and Packaging Optimization

The first step is to choose the programmatic platform wisely. When publishers partner with a professional and updated programmatic platform, they can have access to updated pricing and packaging that lead to higher revenue. When choosing a programmatic partner, choose a platform that provides updated statistics, which could be real-time or daily. To optimize the value of their inventory, publishers require actionable updated data that enables them to make smart business decisions. Analytics systems that supply outdated data have been an obstacle to many publishers, making it challenging to implement flexible and smart packaging strategies.

Have an In-Depth Performance Comparison

Publishers should consider employing analytics that provides them with comparative perspectives of the wider market. Publishers that do comparative analytics can see how different ad sizes and formats are doing in comparison to their rivals. When employing this analytic strategy with updated data, publishers can determine whether their packaging tactics for display, mobile, and video ads—as well as other ad formats—need to be adjusted.

Connect With Premium Advertisers

Besides the comparison analytics, publishers can also significantly boost programmatic demand for their inventory by identifying buyers who place advertisements on their websites. Identify advertisers that likely put high bidding on ad space. This vital information may help publishers find new advertising partners and raise demand overall. It's among the most effective methods for publishers to use programmatic data promise. Sometimes, finding a premium advertiser partner is quite hard, and many publishers rely on trusted ad exchange agencies to connect with premium brands. A reliable ad exchange sometimes also offers more benefits, for example, providing ad inventories in different types and formats, such as instream, interstitials, display ads, video ads, audio ads, native ads, and more.

Ampliffy helps publishers with analytic activity by providing them with daily updated data. As an ad exchange, we are also a connector between premium publishers and premium advertisers, helping with ad distribution and monetization focusing on a young audience. Click here to find out more about Ampliffy's service for publishers.

We are an ad exchange company, Ampliffy. Publishers use our technology to generate revenue from their content on various screens and formats, such as audio, display, and online video. The top brands and agencies worldwide rely on our platform to handle billions of monthly advertising transactions and gain premium access to brand-safe ad inventory. Ampliffy is headquartered in Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala, Indonesia, Peru, the Philippines, Mexico, the United States, Uruguay, India, Ecuador, Singapore, and Japan. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Navigating the Challenges of Ad Blockers: Effective Strategies for Preserving Ad Revenue in an Era of Ad-Blocking

Ad blockers' growing popularity on video stream platforms can enormously impact advertisers and publishers. Ad blocks cause a decrease in ad revenue for content publishers since users of such software cannot see the advertisements that bring in money. This immediately impacts their capacity to make a living via video content. Conversely, less exposure for advertisers' advertising results in decreased engagement and even wasted ad expense.

Users installed ad blockers due to intrusive adverts, let’s face it. Comprehending ad blocker monetization means respecting their preferences to attract them back. In the era of intrusive advertisements, adblock monetization is becoming a necessary survival strategy for publishers.

The Era of Ad Blockers

Ad blockers directly disrupt the conventional income mechanisms that have sustained internet publications for years. Because of this disruption, publishers feel pressured to adjust and look for creative ways to continue their business in the face of this technological revolution.

Why Users Install Ad Blocker?

Understanding user motivations for installing ad-blocking software is essential to creating successful monetization methods in the modern world. Fundamental unhappiness with disruptive, irrelevant, and intrusive advertising that ruins the online experience is at the core of the problem.

The following are the top 5 causes of the extensive usage of ad blockers:

  1. Performance and Data Usage: Ads significantly negatively impact how quickly pages load, particularly on mobile devices. They also utilize data, which is problematic for customers with limited data plans.

  2. Irrelevance: Besides being disruptive, generic, poorly targeted advertisements that don't relate to users' interests also waste screen space. People who are bombarded with pointless advertisements are compelled to use ad-blocking software.

  3. Disruptive Ads: Intrusive and disruptive ads include those that cover the content, play loud audio automatically, and cause page load speeds to increase. These kinds of ads can be quite annoying to users. Its intrusiveness is one of the main factors for ad blocker usage.

  4. Privacy Concerns: Certain advertising monitor user activity and gather information without explicit permission. Because of the privacy concerns raised by this extensive tracking, many users use ad blockers to safeguard their online activity.

  5. Security Risks: Ads may occasionally lead users to harmful websites or contain malware. Ad blockers are increasingly being used as a security measure due to the possibility of running into these risks.

Publishers should prioritize delivering strategically integrated advertising, respects user attention, and ideally offers some value to the users themselves, rather than just focusing on the quantity of ads.

Ad Blockers' Effect on Publishers

Here is a summary of the effects of ad blockers on publishers together with relevant data:

The Amount of Loss: According to the latest estimations, publishers lose billions of dollars in income each year as a result of ad blocks.

Publishers are becoming increasingly concerned about the financial impact of ad blockers. The amount of losses has been rising yearly.

Effective Strategies for Preserving Ad Revenue in An Era of Ad-blocking

  1. Being Innovative:

  • SSAI: Ads can be directly inserted into video streams via server-side ad insertion (SSAI). Before being delivered to the user's device, advertisements are "stitched" into the video stream on the server-side using SSAI. With this method, the advertisements seem to be an integral part of the actual video content.

  • Acceptable Ads: Collaborate with ad blocker providers who have authorized the requirements for ads in order to get your website whitelisted. Major ad blocking groups have programs that let publishers show ads that fit certain requirements. These advertisements are typically labeled clearly, less obtrusive, and non-disruptive.

  • Anti-Ad Blocker Technology: State-of-the-art instruments are able to identify ad blockers and use strategies to lessen their effects. These tools utilize a variety of techniques to identify whether a user's browser has any active ad blocks. When discovered, they can take counteractions like: Polite Requests (putting up notifications requesting visitors to turn off their adblockers for your website), Content Restriction (limiting or completely prohibiting access to content, until the adblocker is turned off), Alternative Content (supplying adblock users with other content forms).

  1. Engage More with User:

Establish a connection with your audience by providing high-quality content. Use polite and unobtrusive messaging to ask users to disable their ad blockers.

  1. Try Different Income Sources:

  • Subscriptions and Memberships: Provide subscribers with premium features and access to exclusive, ad-free content. 

  • Affiliate marketing: Promote relevant products and services through affiliate marketing to get paid a commission on purchases.

  • Sponsored Content: Sponsored Content & Native Advertising should blend in perfectly with the design and tone of your website.

  • Selling Digital Products: Creating a cash stream apart from advertising is possible through selling ebooks, courses, templates, and other digital products.

  1. Enhance the Ad Experience:

  • Prioritize User Experience: Put the user experience first by selecting ad types that fit your content rather than ones that are obtrusive.

  • Strategic Placement: Ads should be strategically placed such that they are visible without detracting from the user experience.

  • Relevancy: Effectively target advertisements to boost engagement and relevancy.

Ad Blocker Monetization: Ethical Considerations

When talking about monetization strategies for ad blockers, ethical considerations are essential. Publishers must find a compromise between respecting user choice, honoring the right to make money, and preserving a satisfying online experience. Ignoring moral issues runs the risk of losing viewers and permanently harming the reputation. Important things to think about are as follows:

  • Being transparent: Tell users upfront about the necessity of ad income and any techniques employed to monetize traffic blocked by adblockers. Explain in detail how content creation that is sustained is impacted when advertisements are blocked.

  • Respecting User Choice: Avoid overly forceful strategies that compel users to turn off ad blocks. For people who are unwilling to completely whitelist your website, provide alternatives like kind requests, subscriptions, or restricted material.

  • User Experience First: All ad formats should be non-intrusive and should not negatively impact the overall browsing experience. Put user happiness ahead of aggressive revenue strategies.

  • Data Privacy: Respect user privacy by handling any collected data responsibly. Track user behavior or personalize adverts only after obtaining authorization and implementing clear privacy policies.

Ad blocker monetization with an ethical method is a long-term plan. It entails developing a respectful relationship with your audience and establishing a clear understanding of the value exchange between content and advertising (or other revenue streams).

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Best Practices for Video SEO: How to Enhance Video Visibility and Drive More Traffic

To start this article, here we share the survey's most insightful findings about utilizing video in the digital era:

  • According to 95% of marketers, the video content raises brand awareness.

  • 90% agreed that video content generates leads.

  • 87% of respondents said video content increased sales.

However, these advantages are only available if the videos are watched by the correct audience. Search engine optimization for videos (SEO) can be useful in this situation. In this in-depth guide, we'll explain video SEO and why it's critical to your video content distribution. To offer your content the best chance of appearing highly in video search results, we'll also provide video SEO recommended practices. So, bear with us.

SEO for Video

The effort of making video material more easily discoverable through search engines is known as video SEO. 

Enhancing your videos’ position in search engine results and increasing the amount of qualified organic traffic that visits your website are the main objectives of video SEO. This effort can increase the return on investment (ROI) as well.

An essential component of any SEO plan is content optimization through keywords. Unlike written content, in which we can input the keyword, video SEO works slightly differently. Firstly, video content is not understood by search engine bots like it is by people.

How can we make our videos understood by the bot? Metadata is useful in this situation.

The descriptive data that goes with a video file is called video metadata. We may provide search engines and users with the necessary context to grasp the content of your page by including pertinent keywords.

Later on, we’ll go into more detail on including keywords in metadata. You can match your target audience's searches with your video content by including appropriate keywords.

Additionally, using the appropriate keywords allows you to focus on viewers interested in your video's topic. People are more likely to interact with your content when they are interested in it.

Users can indicate to search engines that the content is worthwhile and relevant to them by viewing, enjoying, commenting on, and sharing the video. Hence, search engines may be alerted whether your video material connects with viewers, amuses them, or amazes them with its great value. Search engines interpret strong engagement numbers as markers of high-quality content.

The Importance of Video SEO

A thoughtful video SEO plan will assist in guaranteeing that your videos show up in search results. The advantages of search engine optimizing your videos are examined in more detail below:

Video SEO Enhanced Internet Exposure

You increase the likelihood that members of your target audience will find your brand by optimizing your videos for search. When you follow the algorithm guidelines, your videos have a more chance to appear in higher chance on SERPs, where a larger audience will view them.

Video SEO Enhanced User Experience

To maximize relevance and capitalize on search intent, video SEO involves more than just using the appropriate keywords. Additionally, your films must offer a fantastic user experience (UX). 

UX refers to the quality of people's interactions with a product, service, or medium. A video piece has an excellent user experience (UX) if it is interesting and successfully communicates its message.

Use engagement metrics such as these to measure the UX of your video content quantitatively:

  • Duration of stay / VTR

  • Likes

  • Comments

  • Shares

  • Click-through rate (CTR)

What makes engagement metrics important for video SEO, though? Because informative and interesting videos are more likely to appear higher in relevant search results.

Ensuring the proper people find your material is the first step in optimizing your videos for search intent. However, you must create video content that is interesting, beneficial, and useful to those users if you want search engines to give your content a top priority.

Search engines reward websites that focus on creating high-quality and useful content. Concentrating on engagement metrics and user experience (UX) is a good place to start if you want to produce video content that meets the search engine’s requirement for “helpful content.”

Video SEO Enhanced Visibility Through Various Channels

By placing your video content high up in search results, you may increase your brand's indirect reach through various channels.

Watching videos is a popular activity. Short-form videos are the most engaging kind of in-feed material, according to Sprout Social's 2023 material Benchmarks Report. Additionally, a well-made video has the potential to go viral on a variety of platforms.

Video SEO Increased Conversion Rates

Effective use of video SEO can increase conversion rates. It all comes down to implementing a video SEO strategy effectively. You're giving them a great reason to convert if you can draw in the correct audience and provide them with entertaining and relevant video information.

Best Practice for Video SEO

Keyword Research

Finding the words and phrases related to your target audience is the main objective of keyword research. You must comprehend your target audience to do this part correctly.

You can learn more about your audience by:

  • Carrying out 1-1 interviews.

  • Making questionnaires.

  • Participating in the online and physical communities.

  • Have conversations with your followers on social media.

Once you have sufficient customer data, identify keywords your target audience will likely use as they navigate the stages of your sales funnel online and look for answers and solutions.

Enhance the Metadata for Videos

Just optimizing the titles and descriptions of your videos and calling it a day is insufficient. Other parts of video metadata require your consideration, too.

The following is a complete list of video metadata items that you can adjust for optimal outcomes:

  • Video Description: Here's where you explain the topic of your video and what the audience can expect.

  • Video Title: Put pertinent keywords on the title.

  • Video File Name: Add keywords to the video file names so search engines can link them to pertinent queries.

  • Video Tags: What are your video's main subjects and ideas? Include these tags when uploading videos to aid crawlers in more precise categorization of your content.

  • Transcription: Including transcription in your video footage helps your message become clearer and more contextual, which enhances its accessibility and searchability.

Make Eye-Catching Thumbnail

Thumbnails are pictures that show off a portion of your video content. A video thumbnail image must also be visually appealing enough to attract viewers to click on it, just like any other preview. A high CTR ultimately helps you rank higher and attract more people to your videos. 

Use these suggestions to build thumbnails that your target audience will be compelled to click on:

  • Make visually captivating thumbnails. Select photos that will draw interest to your intended audience.

  • Use relevant thumbnails. The clicks will come in when you make the thumbnail appealing to your audience and relevant to the video content.

  • Add text, graphics, or an appealing and clear background. These components provide context, which sparks interest and encourages clicks.

  • Stay consistent with the brand image. Consistent experiences help people remember your brand better. To make the video thumbnails stand out, think also about working with a professional graphic designer.

Make Engaging Intro

We just have a small window of time after an audience clicks on our video to persuade them to continue. In fact, according to a Databox poll, watching video content for one to two minutes is considered “good.”

An interesting introduction will make those first few seconds count if you want people to stay attached to their screens.

The following strategies can be used to write openings that captivate viewers:

  • Begin with a hook. Start by stating a provocative question, shocking fact, or anecdote to get people to pay attention. (e.g., “Did you know that a company typically spends between 2% and 5% of its annual revenues on advertising?”).

  • Begin with a problem to solve. Address a problem related to your intended audience, such as “Struggle in creating an advertising campaign?

  • Give a preview. Tease viewers with something like, “Later on, you will have a new perspective on creating your advertising campaign.” to give them an idea of what they may expect to see in the video.

  • Make them curious. Give enough information to hint at a solution or revelation without giving away every detail. For example, “Ever wonder that you can create a successful advertising campaign with simple data that you have?”

Write Video Transcription and Captions

The process of transcription is turning the audio into text. Including subtitles in your video content is also a terrific approach to make them accessible.

Being accessible is beneficial. Expanding your reach can ultimately lead to increased opportunities for backlinks, social media shares, and brand authority—all of which benefit your video SEO.

Video transcription facilitates comprehension and improves user experience (UX) by making it simpler for viewers to follow along and take in essential details.

Particularly among younger viewers, 70% of Gen Zers frequently employ subtitles. This is hardly surprising, considering their propensity for content consumption in loud public areas while always having their mobile devices close at hand.

Here are a few ways to write transcripts for your videos:

  • Manual Transcription: Have the spoken information transcribed by a video transcriptionist. (Or do it on your own.)

  • Automatic Captioning: Using speech recognition technology, many video platforms can now automatically transcribe your videos. Auto-captioning functions are available in several video editing software applications (like CapCut, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Final Cut Pro).

  • AI Transcription: You can automatically translate audio into text using transcription tools with AI. Popular choices consist of, Audext, and Scribie. Transcribing interviews for use in your videos is also possible using tools like

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Maximizing Revenue with Advanced Ad Technologies: Exploring Prebid, Header Bidding for Video, and AI-driven Ad Optimization.

Unlock the full potential of digital advertising with cutting-edge ad technologies. Dive into the world of Prebid, header bidding, and AI-driven ad optimization to maximize the result of ad campaigns and monetization revenue. Discover new possibilities and stay ahead of the competition in the fast-paced


Prebid works based on header bidding, in which several demand partners participate in an auction for every ad impression. To use Prebid, a publisher needs to include a little JavaScript code in the header of their website. This code takes advantage of the Prebid library, which asks all of the demand partners that the publisher has set up to submit bids. In response, the demand partners provide their bid price along with additional relevant information like targeting parameters and ad creative.

Afterwards, Prebid holds an auction to decide on the highest price for every ad impression while accounting for any targeting preferences the publisher may have specified. The ad server receives the winning offer and uses it to serve the advertisement to the user's browser.

Header Bidding

Website owners use header bidding technology to sell advertising possibilities through programmatic markets. This technology maximizes online ad value through real-time auctions.

Header bidding works in a time-tested mechanism or auction. In an auction, every prospective buyer can view the impression at the same time and place a bid to win it. This guarantees a reasonable price for the impression and accelerates the distribution of the advertisement.

Header bidding allows publishers to collaborate with more customers. Additionally, header bidding makes it easier for advertisers to locate their target markets and create more successful advertising campaigns.

How Header Bidding Works for Video Ad

Now let's examine header bidding works for video ads:

For most sellers, header bidding is part of an advertising technology stack. Known as the "header bidding wrapper," this component collaborates closely with the seller's main ad server.

The header bidding wrapper loads simultaneously with the web page. The wrapper notifies prospective buyers that an impression is available for sale by sending bid requests and starting an auction for the available ad spaces on the page.

The buyers react in a split second with bids that include the appropriate information, the amount they are willing to pay, and the video ad they wish to serve. The header bidding wrapper then gathers these bids and forwards them to the primary video ad server.

The video ad server evaluates the bids along with those of other prospective buyers and determines the winner. Header bidding bids within the video ad server are price-based and do not impact delivering sponsorship, guaranteed, or reserved campaigns. After selecting a header bidding buyer, the video ad server collaborates with the wrapper to render the video ad to the page.

How AI is Revolutionizing Ad Optimization

With AI's capabilities now at their disposal, the advertising industry has access to powerful weapons that combine information-based insight, quick decision-making skills, and magic technology to optimize ad campaigns!

Imagine running an ad campaign while balancing many other ad optimization tasks and other digital marketing strategies to deliver brand messages to the right audiences. It sounds stressful! But with the help of AI, advertisers or even publishers can get the most out of advertisement and monetization because AI can analyze massive amounts of data rapidly and smoothly.

Let's take a moment to review the definitions of automatization and optimization. Digital advertising has included automatization for a long time, but its influence is limited. In this case, AI steps in to boost advertising operations’ efficiency.

By utilizing machine learning algorithms, AI can rapidly examine enormous data sets to identify trends and make real-time decisions to improve advertising campaigns' success. AI functions similarly to having someone with access to a sophisticated crystal ball, able to predict the behaviors of customers by identifying the most effective techniques and continuously improving them to ensure the best results.