Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Online Young Audience

Digital natives or Millennials are the new generation, young people that is hyperconnected on the internet and access to the social networks by every device, they fusion the real life with the virtual one. It is the multitasking generation, it does not meet on the cafeterias it meet on the online sphere where there are groups and communities.

Social Media allows them to personalize and customize its own space to show them as they are in the whole world. They don’t consider privacy, its purpose is to shout from the roof tops. They inspire about what they read on the blogs and let themselves advice by what it is said on forums or online communities and its purchase decisions are based on it: the advices and opinions of the virtual society.

In Ampliffy we know very well the young audience and we know by first hand that they are more predisposed to non conventional advertising. They extremely appreciate the added value content that entertain them, emotion them and offer a global and complete experience.

Below we show you an infographic by Flowtown that explains who are Millennials:

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